It hasn't snowed too much this winter but we finally got a little last week. The boys had so much fun sledding. We have a video I'll have to see if I can upload sometime.
I got some OCF (off camera flash) equipment for Christmas and have been having fun playing with it and my macro lens. First up is an orange. Reminds me of summer.
Here's the pull back shot. The flash was camera left and I bounced it off of the white side of a snapple box. It's also the same pull back for the most part for the next OCF experiement.
I wanted to freeze motion. So using the same orange I dropped some slices into a glass of beer. It took a lot of trial and error as I was home by myself and was using the timer and hoping I got it right. There was a lot of going back and forth from the camera to my set up. I'm really happy with the way the first one came out. Next time I'll have to remember to not wear pink pajama pants!
Our "day" consisted of a very quick 45 minutes but the boys had a lot of fun finger painting, coloring and playing with play dough. We went from one think right to the next. I'm hoping one day their attention span will be a little longer!
We went to Nonna & Grandpa's so Chris could move some things around in their garage. The boys played around for a while but they were very interested in what Chris was doing in the garage.
He's back to being Mr. Serious.
Running away from me. The little guy doesn't like the camera anymore. sigh.
I've been making a big effort lately to actually be in front of the camera. I have so many pictures of my kids but not a lot of me with them. So whether they are on a tripod and out of focus or taken with a point and shoot or the horrid on board flash I will love them because they are memories of me with my kids.
We had a rough night Christmas Eve into Christmas morning with Mason having a bit of a stomach bug. By 7am we were all up and ready to see what Santa brought us. The kids waited nicely for us to turn on the lights and get the camera.
We ventured out to check out the tree and stockings.
Santa left a trail of fruit snacks around the stockings and to the tree. Ryder insisted on picking them all up, however he was very upset when he little hands couldn't hold all of them at once.
Chris showed him he could collect them in a stocking and he was much happier and we then able to continue our morning.
Look at this hair! I don't want to cut it.
Coors got a new dog bed this year. We were hoping she'd stay off of ours but that didn't quite happen.