My little sister graduated from BU with a double major in History & Political Science cum laude. I'm so proud of her! I left Mason and home with Chris (there was no way I was going to attempt to take him to an all day college graduation). I got to spend the weekend with my mom, step-dad and sisters!
Baby 2.0 will be here in 20 more weeks! Time is flying by. On Tuesday we had the anatomy ultrasound and everything looked great. We're not finding out the sex this time either so a few more months to go and Mason will get to meet his little brother or sister.
Mason loves to play outside. He picks up rocks and puts them in his sled. He climbs in the dirt. He loves his dad's big machines and he can even ride his little kid quad!
Back in March we went to Kid City with some friends. All the kids were under 2 and they had a blast. This place has so many different themed rooms with fun activities for the little ones. I'm dying to go back again!